São Paulo +55 (11) 3040 3850 - Uberaba +55 (34) 9 9843 5546 - Belo Horizonte +55 (31) 3318 9703

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São Paulo



InterCement, Apiaí (SP):

Vieira and Pirizal mines: Environmental Impact Study and Report (EIA/Rima) of clay mines

Cement plant: Preliminary Environmental Report (RAP) on co-processing in clinker furnace

Cement plant: inventory and management plan of solid waste

Vieira and Pirizal mines: Social Communication Program

Vieira mine: Socio-Environmental Program, Social Communication Program and Environmental Education Program (PEA) to attend environmental licensing requirements

Execution report of forest planting

Intercement, Jacareí (SP):

Detailed investigation, risk analysis and project management of environmental remediation liabilities generated by hydrocarbon contamination

J. Pacífico Advogados, São Paulo (SP)

Technical assistance in forensic audit in the provisional remedy ambit of advanced evidence production in legal suit involving clay mining

Cabot Brasil, Mauá (SP) – em parceria com a ERM:

Petrochemical Pole: diagnosis and impacts assessment of biotic environment for the Preliminary Environmental Report (RAP) of a carbon black plant expansion

CESP, Paulicéia e Castilho (SP):

Clay mines: Environmental Control Report and Plan (RCA/PCA) for environmental licensing of two clay mines for red ceramic

Bunge Fertilizantes, Iperó (SP):

Valuation of environmental liability resulting from mineral research activities, mine and processing of phosphate ore in areas included in the Flona de Ipanema, administered by IBAMA.

White Martins, Paulínia (SP):

Characterization of the hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical conditions of soil and groundwater for environmental liability investigation

TAM – Linhas Aéreas, São Paulo (SP):

Aeroporto de Congonhas: characterization of the hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical conditions of soil and groundwater for environmental liability investigation.

CCB – Cimpor Cimentos do Brasil, Cajati (SP):

Cement plant: characterization of the hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical conditions of soil and groundwater for environmental liability investigation.

Imerys do Brasil, Mogi das Cruzes (SP):

Recovery of degraded areas of a deactivated kaolin mine, including topographic recovery and revegetation (planning and advice on implementation and maintenance)

Serveng Engenharia, São Paulo (SP):

Monitoring report for shutdown activities

Semiannual groundwater quality monitoring

Site Investigation and soil sampling

Senai – Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial, São Paulo, Cubatão, Barueri, Santo André e São Bernardo do Campo (SP):

Preliminary and confirmatory contamination assessment of environmental liabilities

Human health Risk assessment

Postos e sistemas retalhistas de combustíveis:

Evaluation of soil and water contamination for environmental liability investigation according to Cetesb (Manual of Contaminated Areas Management and DD 103/2007) and FEAM methodology

Fiesp, Comitê da Cadeia Produtiva da Mineração (Comin):

Analysis of social and economic impacts of Conama regulations on Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) intervention in the aggregates and clay sector.

InterCement, Pedreiras (SP):
Pedreira Guarulhos e Barueri: Plano de Fechamento de Mina.

Minas Gerais


InterCement, Ijaci (MG):

Environmental Control Report and Plan (RCA/PCA) of limestone mines, waste deposit and cement plant expansion for environmental licensing instruction

North and South mines: Intended Use Plan (PUP) to mine opening

Cement plant: inventory and management plan of solid waste

Intercement, Pedro Leopoldo (MG):

Cement plant: Environmental Performance Assessment Report (RADA) to license renewal

Solid waste management plan

Corpo Leste mine: study of environmental perception

Vale Fertilizantes, Tapira (MG):

Environmental Impact Study and Report (EIA/Rima) of waste deposit

Confirmatory Contamination Assessment of environmental liabilities in industrial areas

Carphatian Gold Inc., Riacho dos Machados (MG):

Gold mine: Preliminary Environmental Appraisal: due diligence works in the context of mineral rights negotiation, aiming at identifying and evaluating the situation of the mined and reclaimed area.

Pró-Ambiental Tecnologia, Lavras (MG):

Environmental Control Report and Plan (RCA/PCA) for environmental licensing of a company that makes healthcare and industrial waste incineration and disposal of hazardous waste in Class I landfill

Environmental quality monitoring

Technical defense face the environmental agency

Emergency plan

Other Locations


Intercement, Bodoquena (MS)

Cement plant: inventory and management plan of solid waste

ArcellorMittal Brasil, Corumbá (MS)

Environmental Due Diligence Audit of iron ore installations and mining operations, pig iron production and port, aiming at identifying and evaluating relevant environmental aspects in situation of nonlegal compliance or with great potential to cause environmental impacts or generate environmental liabilities that could pose high risk to future negotiations


Alcoa, Juruti (PA)

Juruti project: support in the EIA/Rima development: elaboration of the project characterization with description of bauxite mining and processing activities; diagnosis, impacts assessment and proposition of management actions and monitoring programs for hydrogeology and environmental air and noise components.

Dow Corning Metais, Ourém (PA)

Environmental Control Report and Plan (RCA/PCA) of silicon mines for environmental licensing instruction


Dow Corning Metais, Xambioá (TO)

Environmental Control Report and Plan (RCA/PCA) of quartz mines for environmental licensing instruction


Petrobrás, Camamu (BA) – in partnership with ERM

Gas pipeline: diagnosis and impacts assessment in the aquatic ecosystem – ichthyofauna, zoobenthos and plankton from rivers and estuarine environments – in support of environmental study for the implementation of natural gas pipeline


Sama, Minaçu (GO)

Asbestos mine: Impacts assessment of treated water reuse from decantation pond of wastewater treatment plant for the moistening of ore processing tailing stockpile

Furnas Centrais Elétricas, bacia do rio Tocantins (GO)

UHE Serra da Mesa: limnology and reservoir water quality monitoring: following the variation in water quality in physical, chemical and biological aspects to indicate control strategies for aquatic environment maintenance, making hydroelectric system operational and other uses


Yguazú Cementos S.A., Assunção (Paraguai)

Clinker grinding unit: preliminary environmental assessment for World Bank loan approval


Suralco/BHP Billiton, Suriname

Preliminary Environmental Considerations – Site Options: identification of the main environmental issues associated with three options of aluminum refinery location

Suralco/BHP Billiton, Suriname

Environmental aspects identification and analysis as part of studies to identify the best alternative for mineral raw materials (bauxite) supply to feed the alumina refinery

São Paulo
Rua Funchal 19, 8º andar
Vila Olímpia São Paulo - SP
CEP 04551-060
Av Maranhão 1.320, sala 112
Uberaba - MG
CEP 38050-470
Belo Horizonte
Av Francisco Sá 1.213, sala 1.301
Gutierrez Belo Horizonte - MG
CEP 30441-021

São Paulo +55 (11) 3040 3850