The Geology area, precursor of MultiGeo activities in 1995, provides a range of activities such as geological exploration and mineral deposits evaluation, focused on specialized solutions to the mining industry. MultiGeo provides services for evaluation of mineral prospects, planning and execution of exploration activities, deposit modeling and resource/reserves estimation according to national (DNPM) and international standards (JORC, NI 43101). In activities focused on mine planning MultiGeo uses the Mining Geology to support issues related to hydrogeology, geotechnical stability and technological characterization, among others.
Geological Exploration
- Evaluation of the economic potential of geological prospects and occurrences
- Planning and execution of geological exploration at different detail levels
- Geological exploration using geochemical and geophysical methods and direct investigation of underground (core drilling,percussive drilling, investigation shafts and trenches) in metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits
- Geological and geotechnical mapping and structural analysis
- Hydrogeological evaluation of deposits and reserves
- Development of sampling campaigns and analysis of results
Evaluation and Estimation of Mineral Resources/Reserves
- Evaluation of prospects, deposits and reserves using due diligence
- Computerized geological modeling of mineral deposits with different geometries (massive, tabular, irregular, seams, etc.)
- Geological resources estimation and mineral reserve calculation by classical and geostatistical methods
Mining Geology
- Analysis and reinterpretation of exploration data directed to mining activities according to geotechnical and hydrogeological aspects,production planning, blasting and others.
- Structural and geotechnical characterization of rock masses
- Geological modeling of ore bodies considering mining constraints
- Parametrization of deposits considering cut-off grades, average grades and associated resources;
- Detailed geological mapping of mining faces in open pits and underground mines;
- Statistical and geostatistical analysis of mineral deposits
- Evaluation of geological and geotechnical constraints in the environmental analysis
- Evaluation of hydrogeological conditions aiming underground or open pit mine, drainage solutions and possible lowering of the water table, measures to avoid aquifer contamination, sliding of slopes, berms, access and transport road
- Planning and implementation of hydrogeological monitoring well
- Planning and research on raw, drinking and mineral water production
- Evaluation of hydrochemical and hydrophysical conditions in aquifers