São Paulo +55 (11) 3040 3850 - Uberaba +55 (34) 9 9843 5546 - Belo Horizonte +55 (31) 3318 9703

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In order to meet our customers’ needs, Multigeo has created in 2000 an Environment Department focused initially on mining projects. Since then, this department has expanded and currently has experienced professionals able to offer solutions for different sectors such as mining, chemical, food, fuel distribution, solid waste disposal, construction, among others.

The Environment Department works in partnership with customers, developing activities, studies and projects aiming at the feasibility of projects under the technical, economic and social aspects.

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Our services include:

Environmental Licensing

  • Environmental studies prepared by a multidisciplinary team about environmental aspects related to location, installation, operation and expansion of activities or projects, presented as basis for analyze the required license (EIA and Rima, RCA, PCA, EAP, RAP, EAS , Prad and RADA)
  • Environmental licensing and regularization of industries, services, gas stations and retailing systems (LP, LI and LO)
  • Obtaining the water resources use rights grant
  • Solid waste transport licensing
  • Consultancy in environmental licensing processes in diverse agencies (Ibama, Iphan, Cetesb-SP, DAEE-SP, Feam-MG, Imasul-MS,
    and others)

Consultancy in Environmental Management System implementation

Environmental monitoring

  • Elaboration of Environmental Monitoring Plan
  • Monitoring of surface and groundwater quality, air quality, effluents and noise levels

Environmental Education Program (PEA)

  • Program that aims to promote environmental awareness of the population and the compatibility between environment and economic activities in pursuit of sustainable development

Social Communication Program

  • Set of initiatives in order to institutionalize a process in which the company and the community interact through exchange of information and clarification of the projects

Socio-Environmental Program

  • Initiative in evaluation and continuous improvement in the social and environmental aspects and impacts

Study of environmental perception

  • Mechanism for knowing the reality of the target public and it also serves as a communication channel between the company and the local population, opening opportunities for their manifestation, participation and contribution in environmental issues

Integrated Environmental Management and Licensing – SIGLA www.sistemasigla.com.br

  • System that allows the control of information on the procedural history of the venture

Environmental Audit

Due diligence

  • Environmental audit on projects to support buying and selling processes and/or internal management reviews

Solid Waste Management

  • Inventory of solid waste, document that provides information on generation, characteristics, storage, transportation and disposal of waste generated by an enterprise
  • Waste Management Plan (PGRS), document based on Federal Law No. 12.305/2010 (National Policy on Solid Waste) which includes studies of: minimization of waste generation at source, segregation, collection, packaging, storage, transportation and disposal of waste, targets proposition and performance indicators, critical assessment and recommendations
  • Source reduction program
  • Selective collection program
  • Assistance in implementing waste management system

Forestry Studies

  • Forest Inventory
  • Forest management plans
  • Permits to remove vegetation and revegetation of areas
  • Technical Reports for legal reserve regularization
  • Intended Use Plan (PUP)

Environmental Liabilities

  • Preliminary Assessment
  • Confirmatory Contamination Assessment
  • Detailed Assessment
  • Risk Assessment
  • Environmental Remediation
  • Risk Management

Environmental diagnosis of physical, biotic and anthropic media

  • Analysis of environmental impacts of the project and its alternatives, identifying and predicting the magnitude, with interpretation of the significance of likely impacts

Management Plans for conservation units

  • Support for creating and managing parks, RPPNs and other reserves

São Paulo
Rua Funchal 19, 8º andar
Vila Olímpia São Paulo - SP
CEP 04551-060
Av Maranhão 1.320, sala 112
Uberaba - MG
CEP 38050-470
Belo Horizonte
Av Francisco Sá 1.213, sala 1.301
Gutierrez Belo Horizonte - MG
CEP 30441-021

São Paulo +55 (11) 3040 3850